*original post: July 8th*
Well the shower was a smashing success! I was actually really proud of my work. It was truly a party made with love so that always makes things easier and less stressful:) Plus my awesome mom was in town a few days before to help craft, make and do...NEVER would have gone as smoothly without her help. Thanks Momma!
Most importantly the ladies had a lovely afternoon mini-feast and seemed to enjoy themselves very much. It tickles me pink to see people enjoying themselves at my parties. I guess that's part of the thrill for me.
The momma-to be, my BFF, love her like a sister, Moh-Moh to my kids and just my all around gal pal was absolutely radiant! She had the glow, the hair, the nails, the belly...if you've been prego ya know what I'm talking about:)
Quick back story:
Oh...It's A Girl!
Now it's easier to understand why I was just ecstatic to shower her and her lil' love bug with this lovely day. So, linking in with the decor aspect of my blog... I made many of the decorations for the party. Hope this inspires you to create a lovely day for someone you love!
I made some cute signs that I displayed around the house:
I placed 2 spoons in each jelly jar that was stuffed with coconut cake and this sign stood next to them.
I had a small journal for guests to write a little something to baby about life and love. Sadly nobody wrote anything. In hind sight I should have done my entry first to give the guests some inspiration.
Love Bug's Garden Patch!
Momma-to-be is a vegetarian so the savory table was a little garden patch filled with her favorite veggie inspired bites.
I made the little birdhouse in the corner too:) so easy. Buy one at Michael's, grab some paint, ribbon and embellishments and try to make one yourself!
I embellished all the little cups and serving pieces. I just think it adds so much. Takes time to do but well worth it in my opinion. I also tried a few new recipes I found on Pintrest. YUM! Cucumber Avocado Ceviche was a BIG HIT!
Used Washi tape for the first time...AWESOME! Such an easy way to embellish!
My new favorite party dessert. Found this little gem on Pinterest.
Super easy to make and a total crowd pleaser!
The Sweets were displayed on the hutch in my den. I love using the pieces in my home as opposed to bringing in more tables and taking away from the mingling space.
The pictures just don't do it justice:( Next stop photography 101! I don't take great pictures with artificial light. My house is really not lit very well and I have dark furniture. Perfect storm for not so great pictures. I need to figure out a way to take better pics inside. Any suggestions?
My husband's Grammy's recipe...insanely sweet and delicious. I don't even like coconut and I LOVE this cake! I put 2 spoons in each jelly jar and the "sharing is caring" sign beside them.
This was the same kind of cake she had at her wedding:)
Dave makes some insane chocolate chip cookies and I just had to have them at the party. So yummy! Something tells me he'll be whipping these up for his little love bug quite a bit over the years:)
We chose one of her favorite childhood stories and purchased a hard cover copy. The guests really enjoyed helping to make a reading list for the baby.
I wanted the ladies to leave with a little something to thank them for joining in the festivities and making it a special day for my GURL Annalisa. Favors can really add a major expense to your budget. So I decided to fill a few apothecary jars (if you don't have them borrow them from a friend and save some money:) with candy that matched the colors of the party. The ladies grabbed cello bags and twisty ties to make their own goodie bags to take home. Another highlight that created many giggles and smiles from the ladies.
Old Time Favorites: http://www.etsy.com/shop/OldTimeFavorites pie pops
Caroline's Cakes: www.carolinescakes.com caramel cake
Paper in the Park: http://www.mypaperinthepark.com/ printed tent cards & signs
Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day!

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