*original post: July 11, 2012*
I've had a mother's helper this week(squeal)...SWEET! So nice to get some daylight hours to get some projects done. I finished a few small projects that I can't wait to share! I bet your thinking...is this chick ever gonna post pictures and how to's? I know ...I know...I need to get my stuff out of the dungeon that is my basement, find some natural light and snap some pics. I'm new at this and will be more on the ball as time goes by. Good thing I have no followers yet:)-
I grabbed "MOD PODGE ROCKS" button today. It's a ridiculously helpful blog with tons of information about all different types of Mod Podge and projects. Yes there's more than one kind of Mod Podge! Amy's got a post on all the different types of Mod Podge and what their best uses are. I also learned that making your own Mod Podge is a big fat NO NO. So for all you Pinterest lovers pay no attention to the Mod Podge recipe. According to the Mod Podge Guru it's not worth it and won't work as well as the real stuff. Check her site out it's my go to these days. www.modpodgerocksblog.com
Now go get Crafty!

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